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Full Body Reiki Session -distance session

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Product Details

Are you feeling tension and seeking peace? 

I’ll tune into your body’s energy field and In 3-5 days from now, you’ll receive a video file of your Full Body Energy Reading. 

This is Ideal for ::

༒ reducing stress ༒ reducing anxiety ༒ balance your energy body ༒ clearing energetic blockages ༒ gentle healing to support your healing journey ༒ reduce pain perception ༒ awakening your energy field for personal transformation 

Experience a 60 minute distance reiki session to ground your body and mind and to support your healing journey. 

You will receive:

YOUR unique Energy Reading in audio or video format. 

Lindze Braff with MysticL Inc. will create sacred space for you and connect with spirit guides, plant medicines, crystals, Nature, and her own intuitive guidance as a crystal healer, energy worker, Reiki Master and lightworker to connect with the energy of your body. 

-not conducted face to face or online. Your session is conducted privately and then a review is sent to you. 

What to expect ::  After you purchase, you will be sent an email with a form to fill out so Lindze can receive information about your current state and anything else you’d like her to know. Then you’ll schedule a time with Lindze for your reading to take place. You do not need to do anything special for your reading. The session will happen without you doing anything particular.
you will receive messages and insights throughout your reading regarding subtle energy such as Prana, Chakras, etc.
You may feel peace, clarity, connection, and understandings that apply to your current state guiding you towards wellness. 

The benefits ::  + There are multiple experiences you may have throughout your session and afterwards, results will vary from each individual and sometimes you will feel absolutely nothing at all. but the most recognized sensations are…

+ relaxation

+ positive physical and emotional shifts 

+ better sleep 

+ releasing tension, depression, anxiety, trapped energies and fears

+ lightbody/subtle/energy body/physical body awareness 

+ acknowledging your own intuitive nature in whichever form that arrives in

+ Connecting to yourself through your body 

+ Understanding your potential, power and amazing capabilities to actively participate your self-healing

+ LOVE + Rewiring your personal narrative to be more compassionate and loving to yourself and your body

Consent ::  By purchasing this offering with Lindze Braff at MysticL Inc., I agree to the following;  

+ I understand that crystal healing, Reiki, and/or channeling, energy, healing modalities is an invisible exchange of energy information and is not predictable. They are meant to accompany a holistic treatment plan, they are not meant to take the place of medical or psychological treatment. This information contained in this website is metaphysical in nature and does not claim to heal or cure. For medical advice, you should consult a licensed healthcare specialist. Unless otherwise specified, there are no refunds offered on digital products, services, trainings, sessions, products or courses.

I trust in my souls desire to receive this session. Energy Sessions do not diagnose conditions, do not prescribe substances or medication, do not perform medical treatment and do not interfere with treatment of a licensed medical professional. Reiki practitioners and crystal healers are not licensed as a medical physical or health care professional.  + I further understand that sessions received from practitioners at MysticL Inc are not to be construed as a substitute for medical examination or diagnosis, medical care or medical treatment. It is recommended that I see a licensed physician or health care professional for any physical or psychological ailment I may be concerned about.  + I also understand that reiki and oracle card reading is an energetic healing methodology, which involves the laying of hands (done remotely) and transcendence of energy.
Having read and understood the foregoing, I request to receive distance reiki treatment. I understand that my practitioner is providing a reiki session for me at my request and is not responsible for the outcome of the session. 

  + I agree to hold MysticL Inc and Lindze Braff harmless for any intended or unintended result. I agree that I will not use my session to copy, redistribute, sell, plagiarize, televise, podcasts, online courses or workshops, use for or in radio, song, internet platforms, websites or blogs without consent of Lindze at MysticL Inc. 

+ I agree to use the information within my session as a healing guideline to refer back to for the sole purpose of my own understanding. Please reach out via email if you have questions, concerns or need any additional information //

If you are in need of emergency medical attention pertaining to the welfare of your mental, emotional or physical well-being - contact a trusted and reliable friend or health professional immediately.  Thank you x

I look forward to providing this reading to you!

*Sales are final for the and no returns, exchanges or refunds allowed once purchased.
Trust in the energies and messages that came forward for you.